The S-5-Z clamp is specially developed to fit profiles having a round “bulb” seam configuration. Its two-piece design allows it to be easily installed anywhere along the length of the rib. The S-5-Z is perfect for use with S-5!® ColorGard® snow retention system and other heavy-duty applications.
The S-5-Z Mini is a medium-duty, non-penetrating seam clamp and is a bit shorter than the S-5-Z and has one setscrew rather than two. The mini is the choice for attaching all kids of rooftop accessories: signs, walkways, satellite dishes, antennas, rooftop lighting, lightning protection systems, solar arrays, exhaust stack bracing, conduit, condensate lines, mechanical equipment–just about anything!*
*S-5! mini clamps are not compatible with, and should not be used with, S-5! SnoRail™/SnoFence™ or ColorGard™ snow retention systems.
Installation is as simple as placing the clamp on the seam, positioning the insert piece, and tightening the patented round-point setscrews to the specified tension. Then, affix ancillary items using the bolt provided. Go to for information and tools available for properly attaching and tensionsing S-5! clamps.