Coated Metals Group     Coated Metals Group

S-5-B® Clamp

S-5-B® Clamp

Architects and roof designers choose copper roofing for its timeless elegance and durability. The S-5-B (“B” for “Brass”) allows architects to maintain that theme will all equipment and accessories that must be mounted to the roof with permanence and durability consistent with the roof itself.

This clamp is specifically designed for double-folded copper standing seam paneling.

S-5-B Mini Clamp

The S-5-B Mini is a bit shorter than the original S-5-B and has one setscrew rather than two. The mini is the choice for attaching all kinds of rooftop accessories: signs, walkways, satellite dishes, antennas, rooftop lighting, lightning protection systems, solar arrays, conduit, rooftop mechancials–just about anything!*

*S-5! mini clamps are not compatible with, and should not be used with S-5! SnoRail™/SnoFence™ or ColorGard™ snow retention systems.


Technical Details

Installation is as simple as placing the clamp on the seam and tightening the patented round-point setscrews to the specified tension. Then, affix ancillary items using the bolt provided. Go to for information and tools available for properly attaching and tension S-5!® clamps.

Click here for the S-5! Calculator

Project Photos